Space for Giants

Website Rewrite and Customer Journey Edit

International conservation charity, Space for Giants works holistically across the conservation industry, providing the teams with a fantastic background, implementation process and measurable impact but this can sometimes be challenging to get across to new audiences. I wanted to create a website that provided audiences with a clear breakdown across the areas that Space for Giants works within. Inline with the new 5 year strategy and teams’ programme summaries, I created programme pages on the website that provided details on the ways in which Space for Giant work in a way that is digestible for external (sometimes non-conservation) audiences.  

By implementing a stronger and categorised blog page, I was able to link relevant stories to each of the programme pages to provide greater detail for audiences wishing to understand these areas better.


In addition to this, I had previously rewritten & redesigned / implemented/ expanded the following pages to provide more relevant content and a clearer user journey. For the purposes of making donating easier,

  • The Board

  • Partners

  • Ways to Support

  • Press Coverage

I had also implemented donorbox into the website across relevant pages, making it easier to track which pages were generating donations and allow for greater flexiibiity in currency.

Space for Giants Support Us.jpg

Space for Giants Our Partners
Space for Giants Our Board.png